Know Your SoCal Cities and Explore

I have a question for born and raised Southern California residents that I just cannot figure out since I came here 7 years ago: Why don't you know where cities are in the region? I'm not saying you are all like this, but I feel like a majority of the people I talk to don't [...]

By |2017-04-29T19:44:09-07:00April 29th, 2017|Archive, Home, Survival Tips|Comments Off on Know Your SoCal Cities and Explore

The California Earthquake Reality

If you ask anyone in SoCal, they will tell you that we are long overdue for the "Big One" - earthquake, that is. There's not a month that goes by where news outlets aren't reporting something about it, all of which are very informative and helpful to read: LA Times: San Andreas fault 'locked, loaded and [...]

By |2017-04-23T19:36:22-07:00April 23rd, 2017|Archive, Home, Survival Tips|Comments Off on The California Earthquake Reality

Hot Spot: Agave Maria’s

My parents came into town from Florida during Easter Weekend, so on Saturday I decided to take them to my favorite Mexican restaurant in Ventura County: Agave Maria's in Ojai. According to their website, Agave Maria’s was established in the early 60s in downtown Ojai and renovated in 2010 under new owners. I love the establishment because [...]

By |2017-04-17T10:38:49-07:00April 17th, 2017|Archive, Home, Hot Spots|Comments Off on Hot Spot: Agave Maria’s

Break A Leg: Acting Audition Tips

In LA, it's all about becoming an actor or doing something related in the TV or film industry. I am not much of an actor, I just like to do background work when it fits into my schedule. I don't take it too seriously and just have fun! Background work if you read a previous post [...]

By |2017-04-13T12:37:20-07:00April 13th, 2017|Home, Inner Circle, The Industry|Comments Off on Break A Leg: Acting Audition Tips

Hot Spot: Duke’s Malibu

Malibu is my favorite city along the PCH to visit, especially Zuma Beach for sunbathing, taking a walk along the ocean or playing a game of volleyball. But something I love more are the restaurants. Whenever I have a chance, I try and stop at Duke's Malibu for some good seafood. The restaurant was named after [...]

By |2017-04-15T21:20:28-07:00April 7th, 2017|Archive, Home, Hot Spots|Comments Off on Hot Spot: Duke’s Malibu

Day Trip to Palm Springs

I haven't been to Palm Springs since the fall of 2010 and I was dying to get back, so I decided to jump in my car and head east for the day last Saturday. From LA, it's about 2 hours east. I love Palm Springs for the colors, unique desert location and the relaxed environment that it [...]

By |2017-04-02T22:25:28-07:00April 2nd, 2017|Archive, Home, Travel|Comments Off on Day Trip to Palm Springs

OPI Nail Polish Spring Giveaway!

I'm excited to be doing another giveaway just in time for spring, this time with OPI Nail Polish! OPI is based in Los Angeles and literally the best and only nail polish I wear. Not only is it long lasting with vibrant and unique colors, but their Care Product Line has also increased the strength and look [...]

By |2017-04-08T09:30:03-07:00March 29th, 2017|Archive, Home, Reviews and Giveaways|Comments Off on OPI Nail Polish Spring Giveaway!

2017 Spring Trends I Love and Loathe

Time for another fashion season! I love springtime because I can wear brighter colors and pastels. It really brings out a lot of color in not just your look but your personality! After looking at the 2017 Fashion Week, here are my favorite spring trends that I love and loathe: Trends I love: Beach Stripes [...]

By |2017-03-22T13:09:16-07:00March 22nd, 2017|Archive, Fashion, Home|Comments Off on 2017 Spring Trends I Love and Loathe

Hot Spot: Carousel Restaurant

I'm Lebanese, so I ventured to Carousel Restaurant in Glendale last week, which makes authentic Middle Eastern cuisine. I have been wanting to try this restaurant since I moved to SoCal in 2010. Seven years later, I finally made it. Yes, I am that far behind in time, but keep in mind I also live [...]

By |2017-04-15T21:22:28-07:00March 14th, 2017|Archive, Home, Hot Spots|Comments Off on Hot Spot: Carousel Restaurant

Weekend Getaway to San Diego

I love visiting San Diego when I can. I try and come down about once a year and visit a few of my friends. It's just a great place to relax and have a nice time. The one thing I adore about the area is the food and drinks, it is absolutely divine and I love [...]

By |2017-03-12T17:11:11-07:00March 12th, 2017|Archive, Home, Travel|Comments Off on Weekend Getaway to San Diego
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